Serve on the “Power of Women Who Do” Seattle Hadassah Salon Steering Committee in a role that fits best with your interests and availability.
The Seattle Hadassah salon series will enter its 4th calendar year in 2019! With the success of these intimate home gatherings, our momentum is building. It’s time to take our planning and organizing to the next level. We are looking for 3-5 individuals who are interested in sharing in the excitement by working directly with our featured speakers and hosts. Time commitment for volunteers will vary by week/month with greater participation required this fall (as we work to establish the salon series calendar for 2019) and in the days immediately before and after salon events. Committee responsibilities are listed below. The Committee’s first task, however, will be dividing up the workload as works best for its members.
- Identify and select salon speakers.
- Determine how many salons we should hold each year, and when.
- Identify and commit salon hosts and locations. When necessary, visit host sites to determine capacity.
- Coordinate with hosts on food and parking arrangements.
- Interview salon speakers and send write ups to the Communications Team for publication.
- Establish the salon calendar for 2019 after checking Jewish holidays and other organizations’ major program dates.
- In coordination with Communications team and a graphic designer, create a “Save the Date” postcard by late December/early January.
- Update mailing lists.
- Organize and execute salon marketing – listing in Federation Calendar, reaching out to synagogues, organizing personal notes
- Monitor RSVPs
- Organize Greeters for salon events
- Recruit and organizer volunteers for setup and cleanup
- Arrange drivers if possible for those who cannot drive
- Send confirmation emails to attendees
- Write thank you notes and/or make thank you phone calls to presenters and hosts.
- Write thank you emails to salon attendees, with a reminder to attend our next salon.
- Attend quarter Salon Committee meetings and annual planning retreat.
The organizing meeting for the Salon Committee will take place in September 2018. Additional meeting dates will be determined by the committee. We are hoping to have our 2019 Salon Calendar in place no later than January 2019. If you are interested in shaping our educational and social programming, this committee is the place for you.
Let us know how you can help