April 2022 Newsletter

President’s Message


Like you, I have been responding to Hadassah’s continuing request for donations to Ukraine.  Like you, I have been following the response of Hadassah Medical Organization to this disastrous war.  Like you, I have been so proud to be part of an organization that brings such comfort:

“Reporting from the Polish border with Ukraine this week, Hadassah’s Dr Shaul Beyth, one of Israel’s most experienced orthopaedic surgeons, observed the Ukrainian refugees fleeing the conflict. He commented: “We see the despair on the refugees’ faces when they arrive at our clinic, but when they hear the name Hadassah they breathe easier. They know that (despite the dark circumstances) there is someone they can trust and rely on.”

Beyond medical teams and medical supplies, did you know what the Polish hospitals requested?

“At the request of local hospitals in the cities close to the Polish-Ukrainian border, Hadassah Medical Organization (HMO) physicians on the initial humanitarian mission to Poland created a training video to help their Polish medical colleagues to prepare for the influx of thousands of refugees fleeing the Ukraine. Titled “Mass Casualty Incidents–Lessons Learned, The Hadassah Experience”.

You can read the article here:  https://www.hadassah.org/story/hadassah-presents-video-to-polish-doctors-on-coping-with-mass-casualties.  It highlights the essentials of disaster medicine, which is about doing the greatest good for the greatest number of people.  In 2016, at a conference in Israel, Harold Veens, chief surgeon of the International Committee of the Red Cross, praised Israel as a role model for disaster medicine. 

Yet Israel does not offer a fellowship in Disaster Medicine.  Enter Dr. Lea Sarna-Cahan, attending pediatric physician—always fascinated with emergency medicine—at Hadassah Ein Kerem.  Her head of department requested her to check out a really good Disaster Medicine fellowship for 2021 – 2022, at Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center associated with Harvard Medical School.   Recognizing the big gap in the medical field in Israel, she jumped at the opportunity.  When we first heard about Dr. Sarna-Cahan in Boston, we wanted her to speak to us about the pandemic disaster and its effect on children in particular.  Now we will also have questions about Disaster Medicine and Ukraine.  We are honored and excited to have her speak to us on Wednesday, May 4, at 6pm PT.  

This year, consider adding the Matzah of Hope to your Seder,

Seattle Chapter

Cutting Edge: Bringing Disaster Medicine to Israel

Wednesday, May 4, 2022, 6pm, PT

Please join us for this important conversation, live from Boston on Zoom, featuring Dr. Lea Sarna-Cahan: Pediatric attending physician at Hadassah Ein Kerem.

Rave Reviews for “Exploring Jewish India”

When so many people are moved to share their feelings about an event, you know it had that magical quality.  Though the charismatic Rahel Musleah transported us to a place far away, we all felt a deep connection to the Jewish sights and sounds.  Some of those feelings are shared here all together, blending into one voice:

How privileged we were to participate in the virtual Jewish tour of India. Thank you to everyone in Seattle Hadassah for putting together such a special program!  We have been to India and it brought back many wonderful memories….Appreciation of Rahel Musleah’s exquisite video is beyond my ability to articulate.  Please accept and convey my deepest gratitude to all who made this very special tour possible.  Such an exquisite, rich history.  I was carried back to Bharat (India) in an indescribable way. I feel blessed…Thanks for thinking outside the box…

This was an excellent program.  I wished it went longer.  While a visit to Jewish India wasn’t on my radar before, it certainly is now…That was wonderful!!  Thank you to the organizers…  What an amazing program.

I am very impressed with the diversity of programming you and your board continue to offer our Seattle members.  I can only imagine what a wonderful tour guide Rahel would be.  One can truly feel the strong connection she has with the country, her Jewish roots and the added beauty of her magical voice. It was a virtual trip to remember. 

The link to Rahel’s website is:  www.explorejewishindia.com.


   Dream BIG Campaign for Seattle Hadassah 

Story | Young Refugees Arrive at Hadassah’s Meir Shfeyah Youth Village


We learn in this article there already were Ukrainian youngsters in Youth Aliyah, making it more familiar for the new arrivals.  At the Hadassah-supported Youth Aliyah Villages, at-risk children receive the support they need to become productive and happy members of Israeli society. Nearly a third of children in Israel live in poverty, and almost half a million suffer from high-risk situations such as abuse, learning disabilities or a lack of basic needs. Still others come to us from places around the world where it is no longer safe to be a Jew.

Maybe you want your Annual Giving dollars to be directed to Youth Aliyah?  Having a focus for your charitable giving makes it that much more meaningful.  Or it could be Young Judaeaso you could enable  more needy children to attend camp?  Or Hadassah Medical Organization?

Please call and leave a message to request an Annual Giving brochure or to ask questions: Ettie Davis 425-467-9099 (ext 1). Or feel free to contact Ian Merles, our very personable West Coast Annual Giving Officer, with questions or to set up a plan. imerles@hadassah.org  or  619.884.1475. 

Beyond     Seattle


Hadassah National’s next book discussion:  One Book, One Hadassah: Live with Lisa Barr, author of Woman on Fire. Part thriller and part historical fiction, with strong female characters and a well-researched look into the art world, Barr’s page-turner explores provenance and ownership of Nazi-looted art and asks how far one should go to reclaim a family treasure. Thursday, April 7, at 4pm PT. No charge.  Register Here

Professional Councils: Another Way to Connect with Hadassah Members

Hadassah Professional Councils are a bonus feature of membership exclusively for members of these professions at no extra cost. They provide an outstanding way to support one another, network and learn from colleagues in your field. Council benefits include exclusive webinars featuring noteworthy experts, in-person local events, online discussion groups, networking opportunities and industry-specific newsletters that are inspiring and help connect you to our work. If you’re eligible, take advantage of this opportunity to join with professionals who share your interests in Israel, women’s empowerment and bettering health care around the world.

Attorneys and Judges Council: Participate in our esteemed Council programs, including our US Supreme Court Swearing In and Amicus Briefs initiatives and more. Network and learn from your peers in the legal profession — and work together to advocate for issues you care about.

Nurses and Allied Health Professionals Council: Work with your fellow nurses and health care professionals to mentor, support and empower one another to do good in the world. We help meet the educational, social and professional concerns of our members in the United States, Israel and worldwide. Participate in programs to earn CE credits.

Physicians Council: Forge connections with fellow physicians around the world who care about Hadassah, the Hadassah Medical Organization and new medical research breakthroughs in Israel. Join us and share your professional expertise as an advocate, volunteer and donor.

Exciting news:  An Educator Council is in the works….finally.  Hadassah has long been all about education, starting with the Henrietta Szold Hadassah School of Nursing.



Hadassah’s Humanitarian Mission: A Powerful, Emotional Update

MARCH 25, 2022

By now, four teams from the Hadassah Medical Organization (HMO) have traveled to the Ukrainian-Polish border town of Przemyśl to assume a leading role in caring for the Ukrainian refugees fleeing the bombings in their home cities. Ukrainian refugees are seeking a safe haven in Israel. Teenagers are being welcomed into Hadassah’s Youth Aliyah villages.

In this video update, some impactful leaders in this highest form of tikkun olam, repairing the world, share their thoughts and experiences.
Read more:  https://www.hadassah.org/story/hadassahs-humanitarian-mission-a-powerful-emotional-update

Amy Klein | Photographed by Mira Zaki
Amy Klein is the author of The Trying Game: Get Through Fertility Treatment and Get Pregnant Without Losing Your Mind (Penguin/Random House 2020). She is the ambassador for reConceiving Infertility, Hadassah’s new initiative to raise awareness and fight stigmas around infertility as well as drive policy change.  
Incredibly, despite Covid, Hadassah began this campaign in April 2020. It was too important to put on hold.  Honored to be Hadassah’s Ambassador, Amy Klein states: ”I have long respected Hadassah’s work building community and promoting women’s health. I am proud to be a partner with an organization that has always been at the forefront of important issues.”  
This April 2022, urge your legislator to support actions that will expand Congressional support for better policies addressing infertility treatments and diagnoses.  It’s easy:  click on Hadassah-initiated infertility resolution H. Res. 338.
If you have a few minutes, I highly recommend reading Amy Klein’s article in The Forward:  “Infertility is a Jewish Issue.  It’s Time the Community Recognized it.”  https://forward.com/opinion/444476/infertility-is-a-jewish-issue-its-time-the-community-recognized-it/And here’s her video for Hadassah:  https://www.hadassah.org/how-we-help/health-wellness/reconceiving-infertility

PRESS RELEASE: Hadassah Applauds President Biden for Signing Bill Supporting Health Care Professionals

Monday, March 21, 2022

Media Contact:  Josh Silberberg
PlusPR jsilberberg@pluspr.com

NEW YORK, NY – Hadassah, The Women’s Zionist Organization of America, Inc. (HWZOA), National President Rhoda Smolow released the following statement today applauding Congress and President Joe Biden for working to give the Dr. Lorna Breen Health Care Provider Professional Act the force of law. In signing the bill, President Biden ensures that the US will better protect doctors and nurses through grants, studies and a national campaign that will ensure they are equipped to access mental and behavioral health support quickly and confidentially when needed.

Read more:  https://www.hadassah.org/press-release/hadassah-applauds-president-biden-for-signing-bill-supporting-health-care-professionals

 Health News

Hadassah On Call: New Frontiers in Medicine | S3 E6 — Ovarian Cancer: Understanding the Silent Killer
Treatments and new hope in detection? We’re talking ovarian cancer with Dr. Tamar Perri, director of the Gynecologic Oncology Department and her former patient, Dr. Rivka Brooks, a founding director of the Pediatric Intensive Care Unit, at Hadassah Medical Organization.
Listen here: https://www.hadassah.org/episode/ovarian-cancer-understanding-the-silent-killer


Hadassah Presents Video to Polish Doctors on Coping With Mass Casualties



Hadassah Medical Organization Announces Breakthrough in Stem Cell Treatment for MS and ALS


MEDIA CONTACT:  Alix Friedman

New York, NY – Hadassah Medical Organization announces the first objective evidence that stem cells injected into the central nervous system can improve life for people living with multiple sclerosis and other neurodegenerative diseases. The results of a Phase II trial demonstrate that repeated NG-01 stem cell treatments for these conditions are not only safe in the short to intermediate term, but also have clinical benefits that last up to four years. The results were recently published in the journal Stem Cells Translational Medicine.

The trial was led by Prof. Dimitrios Karussis, MD, Director of the Multiple Sclerosis Center at Hadassah Medical Organization, working with Petrou Panayiota, MD, and Ibrahim Kassis, MD.
Read more:  https://www.hadassah.org/press-release/hadassah-medical-organization-announces-breakthrough-in-stem-cell-treatment-for-ms-and-als




The 2022 Seattle Jewish Film Festival has begun!  We are a Community Partner of the film, “Rose”, offered both virtual as well as in-person on Sunday, April 3 at the Stroum JCC.  We are proud to announce that Seattle Hadassah Advisor, Jacquie Bayley is a sponsor of “Rose” and Seattle Hadassah member, Janice Kaplan-Klein, is sponsoring the film, “1618”.  Enjoy checking out these outstanding films and all the fantastic Film Festival at www.seattlejff.org

Membership Report

Mazel Tov to 

  • Michelle and David Bayley on the birth of their daughter, Ezrie Anita. Jacquie Bayley is the proud grandmother. We look forward to welcoming Ezrie Anita to our Hadassah family in the future!

We Mourn the Passing of

  • Sandra Glazer Lake, mother of David Vineberg, Susan Vineberg (Sam Pope) Stacey Good (Jim), and Robin Lake (Matthew Kitchen), sister and brother in law Janet and Robert Lackman and her grandchildren and nieces and nephew.
  • Sy Greenstein, husband of Arleen Greenstein and father of Jody and Michael Epstein and Marc and Alyssa Greenstein
Tributes to Hadassah can be made online here

Do you have news of family events to share with us? We are happy to include announcements about weddings, bar and bat mitzvahs, birthdays, births, and passings in the Membership News section of our monthly newsletter. Please send notices to Seattle@hadassah.org