Like you, I have been responding to Hadassah’s continuing request for donations to Ukraine. Like you, I have been following the response of Hadassah Medical Organization to this disastrous war. Like you, I have been so proud to be part of an organization that brings such comfort:
“Reporting from the Polish border with Ukraine this week, Hadassah’s Dr Shaul Beyth, one of Israel’s most experienced orthopaedic surgeons, observed the Ukrainian refugees fleeing the conflict. He commented: “We see the despair on the refugees’ faces when they arrive at our clinic, but when they hear the name Hadassah they breathe easier. They know that (despite the dark circumstances) there is someone they can trust and rely on.”
Beyond medical teams and medical supplies, did you know what the Polish hospitals requested?
“At the request of local hospitals in the cities close to the Polish-Ukrainian border…
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