Sunday, March 20, 2022, 4pm, PT
“E X P L O R I N G J E W I S H I N D I A”
Namaste and Shalom: A Virtual Tour of Jewish India
Take a trip to Jewish India! India’s Jewish heritage is a rich cultural and historical saga that stretches from biblical times until today. Explore each of India’s Jewish communities as we visit sites and synagogues in Bombay, Calcutta and Cochin. Led by Rahel Musleah, who was born in Calcutta, the seventh-generation of a Calcutta Jewish family that traces its roots to 17th-century Baghdad. Register here.
We are excited to have Talya Gillman as our moderator. Her good friend, Gina Newman, who is an ex- officio member on the Hadassah board as part of the Jewish Federation’s Courageous Leadership Incubator, reached out to Talya because Gina knows her special connection with India. Reading her bio, you’ll see Talya’s compassionate involvement in critical human issues extends worldwide.
Talya develops experiences and resources that spark and support care-full social action and community building. Many experiences and relationships have helped her explore the importance (and complexity!) of human dignity and interdependence.
She has designed and led programs with organizations including Citizen University, Jewish Family Service, At The Well, UW, and Repair the World; receiving the Covenant Foundation’s Pomegranate Prize for emerging Jewish educators; organizing with Jewish anti-racist and migrant justice networks; completing an M.A. in Transformational Leadership at Seattle University; serving as an AJWS World Partners Fellow supporting Sankalp Rehabilitation Trust’s harm reduction work in Mumbai; and assisting ATZUM’s anti-sex trafficking work in Israel.