February 2021

President’s Message

We say something is “hidden in plain sight” when it was there all along.  Not until  this year did I start seeing unity as a central theme of Purim.  The Talmud says that the biggest problem of the Jewish people at the time of Mordechai and Esther was a lack of unity.  Haman, the anti-semitic Prime Minister, accused the Jews of being “a scattered, and divided nation” whom no one would miss when he ordered their annihilation.  Esther’s people knew it was risky for her to go to the King, unrequested, to beg for their lives.  Her success is credited to Mordechai’s leading the people to unite with Esther in prayer and fasting.  When Esther finally tells the King these Jews are her people, she unites with her “Hadassah/hidden” self to become whole.

At Hadassah, we have a united mission “to inspire a passion for and commitment to the land, the people, and the future of Israel”. This refers to all the people, a “shared society”. Hadassah Medical Organization was nominated for the Nobel Prize in 2005 for building bridges to peace through medicine.  For example, at Hadassah–Mount Scopus, fifty percent of patients in the emergency department and on the inpatient unit are Palestinian Arabs. The Department of Pediatrics has recruited both Arab and Jewish physicians and nurses to appropriately reflect the patient population. Many of the Arab residents in training remain at Hadassah as attending physicians or as attending physicians in East Jerusalem.

Back in Seattle, there’s nothing like a gala fundraiser to excite and unite us. Gala Co-chairs, Beryl Cohen and Caryn Gold, are creatively planning our first ever virtual gala.  One of their first acts was to choose the “Honoring Nurses Near and Far” theme.  Who are our three members who trained and worked as nurses at Hadassah Hospital???  Their names are “hidden in plain sight” near the end of the Newsletter.

Full of hope,

Ettie Davis, President

Upcoming Programs

S A V E   T H E    D A T E
April 18, 2021

Hadassah Virtual Gala

The Hearts of Healthcare
“Nurses Inject Hope at Hadassah Hospital Ein Kerem”

The sun has just come up. It is 6 am and 18 pairs of eyes are staring at two Hadassah Hospital Ein Kerem nurses. One nurse is seated and the other is standing over her, a needle in hand. Ambulatory Division Director Dorit Weil-Lotan is about to be the first Hadassah staffer injected with Pfizer’s COVID-19 vaccine.

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Racial Justice and the Role of White Jews
Thursday, February 18, 7:00 pm

HADASSAH, THE POWER TO HEAL OUR WORLD TOGETHER. Please join us in warmly welcoming Diana Falchuk 
“Racial Justice and the Role of White Jews”

What is racism? What is racial justice? How can we create a society that is truly fair and free for all? Presented through the lens of her experience as a white, Jewish mother, artist, mindfulness practitioner, equity consultant and antiracist organizer, Falchuk will explore the role of white people, including white Jews, in interrupting racism and showing up for racial justice. She’ll offer perspectives and practices from her ongoing journey. The presentation will include suggestions for further learning and action, as well as time for question and answer. All people, of all racial identities, are welcome and encouraged to attend.

Learn More and Register Here

Other News

Every Move Counts

Get moving and have fun: Our new health and wellness program, Every Move Counts, is made for everyone — regardless of ability or age. Our online tracker makes it easy to track movements of all kinds: a walk outside, chair fitness, gardening, household tasks and more. All you need is a computer or a smartphone. While we’re moving, we’ll be “traveling” together on a virtual trip to Israel, reaching interesting milestones, sharing on social media, and helping raise funds for Hadassah. Join us! Three-month program cycle begins on February 16.

Thank you Carol & Jessica

Carol Oseran Starin

Jessica Mandell, MS, LCGC

The Hadassah virtual discussion on Genealogy and Genetics provided useful strategies and resources for tracing family history.  It also informed us about the pros and cons of using the various public genetic testing sites to reliably predict inherited diseases. — Lisa Behar

Jessica Mandell’s talk was very useful and informative.  Loved the explanation about the difference between at home testing and doctor’s office medical testing.  Also really interesting information (from Carol) that census data doesn’t get released for 72 years! — Marni Bonnin

I especially appreciated Carol’s comments about how photographs, documents, gravesites and yizkor books are more than just information – they’re telling us stories.  It gave me a new way of thinking about how to look into our families’ history -not just writing down names and dates but actually thinking about the stories of what those photographs etc are telling us about the people and their lives. — Gena Gorasht

Jessica Mandell provided helpful information on evaluating the wide assortment of DCGTs available and understanding the benefits and limitations of this type of genetic SNP testing. — Ellen Kret



The 3 Nurses Who Worked at Hadassah Hospital are: Audrey Covner, Janice Kaplan-Klein and Judy Rosenfeld.


Membership News

Welcome New Members:

  • Becky Godbey

  • Jessica Mandell

Welcome Transferring Members:

  • Janet Shanks

We Mourn the Passing of:

  • Leon Moss, husband of Phyllis Moss, father of Aileen (Aaron) Okrent, Brian (Brandy) Moss, Steven (Laureen) Moss and Michael Moss
  • Ella Drucker, mother of David (Mariann) Drucker and Steven Drucker (Carol Schwartz)

  • Gloria Abramowitz, mother of Robert (Cindy) Abramowitz

  • Moshe Cohenca, Father of Nestor (Ruti) Cohenca