Get your 2023 Mah Jongg Card and Support Hadassah!

Get your 2023 Mah Jongg Card and Support Hadassah!

A member of the Redmond Ridge Group will once again be responsible for collecting checks and ordering Mah Jongg cards for our local Hadassah members. You do have a choice to also order online here, or click on the flyer below to print. Fill out the information and mail with your check to:

Trisha Tsutakawa 
6634 141st PL NE
Redmond, WA 98052

Ordering the cards lets you renew (or start) your membership in the National Mah Jongg League and as a benefit of that membership receive the 2023 card. Cards will have 2 prices small – $14 and large print – $15. This includes a $5 increase per membership/card made by the National Mah Jongg League and NOT Hadassah.

Please also note that the contribution back to the local units is also increasing. The League will rebate/contribute to the chapters $5 per membership/card for all orders completed online.

If you have questions, please email Trisha at

Our Seattle Chapter will get credit, just be sure you fill in the chapter name and “Pacific Northwest” is the region.  Sent orders must be received by December 31st.

Other Questions? email: