Thank You Carol & Jessica
The Hadassah virtual discussion on Genealogy and Genetics provided useful strategies and resources for tracing family history. It also informed us about the pros and cons of using the various public genetic testing sites to reliably predict inherited diseases.
—Lisa Behar
Jessica Mandell’s talk was very useful and informative. Loved the explanation about the difference between at home testing and doctor’s office medical testing. Also really interesting information (from Carol) that census data doesn’t get released for 72 years
—Marni Bonnin
I especially appreciated Carol’s comments about how photographs, documents, gravesites and yizkor books are more than just information – they’re telling us stories. It gave me a new way of thinking about how to look into our families’ history -not just writing down names and dates but actually thinking about the stories of what those photographs etc are telling us about the people and their lives.
—Gena Gorasht
Jessica’s Mandell provided helpful information on evaluating the wide assortment of DCGTs available and understanding the benefits and limitations of this type of genetic SNP testing.
—Ellen Kret