March 2020


Why should all the focus at the Megillah reading be only on the men:  Mordechai (cheered) and Haman (booed)? The latest trend is to add waving the Esther/Vashti flag, which reads “Vashti & Esther, heroes of Purim:  Two faces, one courage.” Both queens stood up for themselves, though Esther stood as a leader of her people, using her power to create change and save lives. Founded during Purim of 1912, Hadassah is named for Queen Esther/Hadassah, and is in the business of saving lives.

Our founder, Henrietta Szold, would be so proud of the work going on today, the “Arab & Israeli, heroes of Hadassah Hospital:

Two faces, one peace”, where medical teams and researchers work side by side, Arab and Jew, to treat a million patients each year, regardless of faith, race or nationality. Former President Ellen Hershkin writes:  “What our world needs right now are more stories about the places where peace prevails between Jewish and Arab Israelis.” To read the full article click here.

With this goal in mind, it is with great pride that our Seattle Chapter has invited Arab Israeli spine surgeon, Bilal Qutteineh, to share his story in conversation at our program April 5 at a home in Northeast Seattle.  Dr. Qutteineh studied medicine in Jordan and did his orthopedic residency in Hadassah Hospital. We hope you will join us for this meaningful program.

Chag Purim Sameach,

Ettie Davis, President

Upcoming Events

Thrive Be the CEO of Your Life presents:
Breast Cancer Awareness for All of Us
Sunday, March 1, 10:30am-12:30pm

Anna Gottlieb, the Executive Director of Cancer Pathways, will be the Moderator of our Panel of Hadassah members who are breast cancer survivors. They will share their very personal stories.

Dr. Jessica Mandell, a genetic counselor has been studying breast cancer for 20 years. Dr. Mandell will also be speaking to us about Breast Cancer Genetics for Jewish Women.

The Rivkin Center will be providing the latest risk assessment forms.

Register Here

Regina Friedland Sassoon,
In Conversation with Meryl Alcabes
Sunday, March 15, 10:30am-12:30pm

Please join Beersheva Hadassah for brunch and to hear and discuss: 

“Rising Antisemitism in the West,

  Advancement in the Middle East —

                  Demystifying the Enigma”

This is such a timely issue and we are thrilled to have Regina Friedland Sassoon, Regional Director, AJC Seattle share her insights.

Register Here

The Passengers
Tuesday, March 24, 6:30-7:55pm

In conjunction with the Seattle Film Festival, Hadassah members Janice Kaplan-Klein and Leslie Klein are sponsoring “The Passengers” in which two young Ethiopian Jews try to qualify for the Jewish birthright of becoming Israeli citizens. 

For more information and to purchase tickets
Click Here

Mrs. G
Thursday, March 26, 6:30-7:40pm

Seattle Hadassah is a proud Community Sponsor of “Mrs. G”. The story of Lea Gottlieb, legendary designer, founder, and owner of the Gottex swimwear empire.

A Hungarian Holocaust survivor who became the legendary designer and founder of the Gottex swimwear empire. Her outrageous bathing suit designs — using innovative fabrics, cuts, and colors — pushed her to the top of the glamorous fashion world. 

For more information and to purchase tickets
Click Here

Saturday, March 28, 7:00-8:45pm

In conjunction with the Seattle Film Festival, Hadassah members Ellen Rose Kret and Lela & Harley Franco are sponsoring “Leona”.

Ariela, a young Syrian Jewish woman from Mexico City, must navigate the long-standing traditions of her family and fears backlash to her forbidden romance. A promising, independent-minded artist who signs her public murals “Leona” (lion in Hebrew); she is compelled by her community to find an appropriate life partner but falls for an unexpected suitor. Her newfound relationship forces her to confront the deeply ingrained cultural and religious values her family holds dear in this coming-of-age romance and woman-centered arthouse film.

For more information and to purchase tickets
Click Here

Dr. Bilal Izzat Qutteineh
Sunday, April 5, 10:30am – 12:30pm

Special Upcoming Event

A unique opportunity to meet Dr. Bilal Izzat Qutteineh, an Arab Israeli doctor from Hadassah Hospital, Jerusalem. Come and hear him tell his story.

This event will take place at a private home in North Seattle.

Register Here

Thrive Be the CEO of Your Life presents: INSIGHT ON YOUR EYES
Tuesday, May 5, 6:30-8:30pm

Take part in an interactive conversation with a down-to-earth, accomplished ophthalmologist, Dr. Thellea Leveque, UW Department of Ophthalmology.

She will offer insight on eye diseases, blindness, and how to protect and maintain your precious gift of sight, including answering questions on dry eyes and computers, safety glasses, UV sunglasses, vitamins, and diet.

Join us for a light supper prior to talk at private home on Mercer Island.

Register Here

Other News

Do you have Work or Training experience you received at HMO?

Did you ever get trained or work at Hadassah Hospital?

A program is in the planning stages that would include recognizing these members.

Please let us know here or leave your name and a brief message at 425.467.9099

Membership News

Welcome to our New Members:

  • Sharona Gordon
  • Ilene Bernik
  • Deborah Halliday
  • Hadassah Brown

Welcome Members New to our Chapter:

  • Adena Levi

Mazel Tov to

  • Sharona Gordon on having an award named in her honor by the Society of General Physiologists. The award will be given annually to recognize and honor an individual who has shown extraordinary commitment to promoting equity and inclusivity in the physical and biophysical community.
  • Brianna Sayers on the publication of her latest children’s book, Asteroid Goldberg: Passover in Outer Space.

We Mourn the Passing of 

  • Bernard Kastriner, grandfather of Julie Ellenhorn
  • Beverly Lemchen, wife of Larry Lemchen