October 2018

Fall Brunch Gala

A brunch filled with friends, food and heartwarming Hadassah stories!

Join us as we honor Lisa and Norm Behar, beloved Hadassah members and long time Seattle Jewish community volunteers. Also learn the wonderful Hadassah story of Washington State Representative Tana Senn and share the thrill of how Hadassah saved the life of Ilana Weismark.

Click here to catch the Early Bird Registration!

We have terrific Table Captains and community groups that would love to have you sit with them at the Brunch! Watch for your invitation coming soon to your mailbox and sign up today.

President’s Message

There is new podcast in town.   It’s called The Branch.  Birthed by Hadassah after a year in gestation, the stories you hear through the voices of everyday Arabs and Jews will lift you up, draw you in and make you stand taller. The two programs launched to date –found on ITunes, Spotify and Hadassah’s Facebook and home page — offer a strikingly different picture from the mainstream news of tension and conflict in Israel.  The first program focuses on the deep respect and friendships between gifted Arab and orthodox Jewish musicians who have performed together in Jaffa for years.  The second tells the story of two school principals – an Arab and an Israeli – who co-lead a bi-lingual Hebrew and Arabic school of more than 700 students living in nearby Jerusalem neighborhoods and Arab villages.  Listen in now…. http://www.hadassah.org/multi-media/podcasts/the-branch-podcast.html

The Branch provides a dynamic new approach to Zionist education that dismantles the anti-Zionist and BDS rhetoric in the most refreshing and penetrating ways.   Branches of peace are being forged every day throughout Israel by individual Arabs and Jews who are building relationships in amazing ways that few of us in America would ever discover without these podcasts.  It was nearly a decade ago that Hadassah Medical Organization (HMO) was nominated for the Nobel Peace Prize because of our hospital’s dedication to building bridges of peace through medicine with staff teams that cross religion, race and nationality.  I believe the stories told through these podcasts have the potential to breathe new life, perspective and optimism into our understanding of the Israel of today and tomorrow. 

Here’s what I ask of you as Hadassah members and supporters.  Spread the word.  Become ambassadors.  Introduce The Branch to new people across our diverse community.  Rate the podcast on ITunes.  Add your voice to the growing comments on Hadassah’s Facebook page; share the link with a personal note on your own Facebook page.  Stand by for two upcoming podcasts – an inside look at the relationships within Hadassah Medical Organization, and the story of a Jewish man who went looking for a Palestinian partner for his ice cream business.  Ideas for future podcasts are welcomed and encouraged.

Dina Kraft, the podcast moderator, is a veteran foreign correspondent.  A 3rdgeneration Life Member of Hadassah and a Young Judea Alum, she currently writes for Haaretz and the Christian Science Monitor, covering Israeli and Palestinian society.  This is prize winning material.  I am so proud that Hadassah is telling these stories.  Please reach out to me after you have had the chance to hear these podcasts; I would love to hear your ideas on expanding this conversation.

With appreciation for your continued support of Hadassah,  

Susan Adler signature.png
Susan Adler, President, Seattle Hadassah

Events Calendar

October 1, 10:00am: Redmond Ridge Book Club-the Rel Notebook by Antoine Laurain


Bookseller Laurent Letellier comes across an abandoned handbag on a Parisian street and feels impelled to return it to its owner. The bag contains no money, phone or contact information. But a small red notebook with handwritten thoughts and jottings reveals a person that Launrent would very much like to meet. Without even a name to go on, and only a few of her possessions to help him, how is he to find one women in a city of millions?

The RedNotebook by Antoine Laurain
Translation by Jane Aitken and Emily Boyce

More information can be found on the events page at seattlehadassah.org

October 14, 5:30-8:30pm: Vine and Vino

Join us! Come meet the Candidates & learn the issues. This event will take place at University of Washington’s Hillel located at 4745 17th Ave. NE. Wine and appetizers will be served.

October 17POSTPONED: Miri Cypers, PNW Regional Director of the Anti Defamation League

Please note our October Salon, featuring Miri Cypers has been postponed. We are sorry for any inconvenience this may cause.

When the event has been rescheduled please join us for an evening with Miri Cypers, PNW Regional Director of the Anti Defamation League, to discuss innovative programs and strategies for combating hate in today’s alarming extremist environment. Stay tuned for additional details. Registration for this event will go live after Yom Kippur. In the meantime, read Miri’s fantastic op-ed in the Seattle Times. This event will take place in a private home. Address information will be provided upon RSVP.

Join us as we honor Lisa and Norm Behar, beloved Hadassah members and long time Seattle Jewish community volunteers. Also learn the wonderful Hadassah story of Washington State Representative Tana Senn and share the thrill of how Hadassah saved the life of Ilana Weismark.

Register Today!

Past Events

Rabbi Elana Zaiman and “The Forever Letter”

On September 13, Rabbi Elana Zaiman addressed an enthusiastic Seattle Hadassah crowd to discuss her book, “The Forever Letter: Writing What We Believe for Those We Love.” Assembled in the gorgeous Mercer Island home of Barrie and Richard Galanti, participants learned about the tradition of the ethical will – in which parents wrote to their children, passing on traditions and values – as well as about the contemporary forever letter, a loving gesture for future generations. To read more about this wonderful event, click here.

On Thursday, September 6, 2018, three members of Seattle Hadassah met with KateBaumgartner, Seattle Outreach Director for U.S. Senator Patty Murray. Seattle Hadassah President Susan Adler, Seattle Chapter Advocacy Committee Chair Kindra Cooper, and Seattle Chapter Member Jacqueline Silver attended the meeting at the request of Hadassah National, who is seeking the Senator’s support for the Health Equity and Accountability Act. The Act was recently passed by the U.S. House of Representatives with bi-partisan support; it has not yet been introduced in the Senate. Given Senator Murray’s status as the ranking minority member of the Senate HELP Committee (Health, Education, Labor, and Pensions), the Senator is uniquely situated to assist with the passage of this legislation. 
Read Kindra’s complete blog post

Membership News

Welcome to our new members

  • Tamara Cohen
  • Pamela Lavitt 
  • Deni Hirsh
  • New to Seattle member, Bette Menashe


  • Mazel Tov to Meryl Alcabes on the birth of her grandson, Carlos Alcabes.

Do you have news of family events to share with us? We are happy to include announcements about weddings, bar and bat mitzvahs, birthdays, births, and passings in the Membership News section of our monthly newsletter. Please send notices to Seattle@haddash.org. Tributes to Hadassah can be made online here.

Get Involved: Volunteer Opportunities

It’s Raining Men! A New Volunteer Opportunity
At the Fall Fundraising Gala, we will recognize Seattle Hadassah Associates – men who stand in support of Hadassah’s mission to advance medical research, healing, and education.  This group needs help updating their member information. If you have 4 hours to give, you would be helping this group come together to support our work as well as their own projects.  

Seattle Hadassah is also looking for help with a variety of other projects, some ongoing, some one-time jobs. There are many ways to get involved and tasks of all sizes. If you have a couple of hours on your hands, volunteering with Seattle Hadassah is a great way to connect with other Jewish women, support the work of Hadassah Medical Organization, and show your support for Israel. Check out our volunteer opportunities below. Click each link for additional details.

Fall Brunch Gala: We are looking for help with publicity, corporate sponsorship, menu, decorations, name tags, thank you notes and more!

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